Week 8


Stalisbury Steaks
The team hit worst by the injury bug this year has to be the Salisbury Steaks. GM Iafe has been beseeched by injuries all season long. Arod has recently come off the DL to bring some relief. With Tulo on the DL replacing him its much like one step forward two steps back for GM Iafe. John Smoltz would be a welcome addition off the DL, but continues to sit there with a “Sore shoulder.” The latest news on Smoltz looks grimm as well, “Smoltz felt tightness in his shoulder Sunday, a day after reporting no pain during his minor league rehab appearance, the Braves' official site reports.” More bad news for The Steaks.

Float It
GM Kellan has dealt with mixed results in terms of injuries. Oft Injured AJ Burnett, Kerry Wood, and Jeff Kent haven’t seen the DL at all and have missed almost no games this year. GM McNulty dealt with Beckett starting the year on the DL, which was a huge loss for this young squad. Victor Martinez has also seen the DL for much of this season and has only 16 RBI for a usual big hitter. The latest news on V-Mart is that the finger injury that kept him out of last weeks action is no big deal and it is safe to start him.

Fastballs For Breakfast
Young GM Hoffman has had a rough start to this season. In a shocking turn of events the Rookie Manager led his team to the league championship. However, this year, things haven’t gone so well. The Fastballs best player has also been the one hit most by injuries. Rafael Furcal had been tearing up the fantasy worlds. Furcal’s back has been failing him this year. He is apparently in even worse shape these days. The latest news is that Furcal will not be joining the Dodgers on their 7-game road trip. Bad news for the already struggling Fastballs.

The Three R’s
GM Houghteling took a big gamble, looking into the eyes of the baseball gods and telling them I will risk it that Albert Pujols will be healthy this year. Pujols has 63 hits in 182 at-bats, a number that leads to a .346 avg. He hasn’t missed a game with the “elbow injury” that will eventually need surgery. The Cardinals' first baseman has a "high-grade" tear of the ulnar collateral ligament in his right elbow, as well as bone spurs, inflammation and arthritis in the joint.” If he keeps performing like this, the R’s have a good chance of moving up in the standings. GM Houghteling must be upset with the status of his pitchers. The preseason best pitching staff has been reduced by the most recent loss of Fausto Carmona.

Hot Ice Conservators
GM Kreicher lost the reigning MLB MVP for a large amount of time. While most everyday player has between 180-200 at-bats, Rollins has just barely reached 115 at-bats. Every team in the league would be worse if they lost that much production from the best player on their team. Howie Kendrick, hurt much of his last year, is truly disappointing his new GM. Kreicher has been elevated by the amazing stats provided by Miguel Tejada (warning Steriod abuse causes: The major side effects from abusing anabolic steroids can include liver tumors and cancer, jaundice (yellowish pigmentation of skin, tissues, and body fluids), fluid retention, high blood pressure, increases in LDL (bad cholesterol), and decreases in HDL (good cholesterol). Other side effects include kidney tumors, severe acne, and trembling. For men - shrinking of the testicles, reduced sperm count, infertility, baldness, development of breasts, increased risk for prostate cancer.

Cracker Jacks
The big news coming into this season was the health of his 2 star pitchers, Kelvim Escobar and John Lackey. GM Sands has roared to the top of the rankings without these 2 all-star caliber pitchers. Lackey has returned recently with exactly what GM Sands was hoping for when he was drafted. Lackey is one of the best pitchers in baseball when healthy and has pitched that well so far. When Escobar joins Lackey healthy, this team could further boost their rankings and make them hard to catch come the summer.

Gary Busey is Chet Stedman
GBCS has been incredibly healthy all year. Players who have missed games include, Conor Jackson who has missed a few stretches of games and Ian Kinsler and Prince Fielder early in the season. GM Cetrulo has been so lucky with his health that he was able to pick up Joel Zumaya and keep him in an open DL slot just waiting until he is healthy again. If he starts closing games for the Tigers look out.

Road Babes
The Babes are another team that has been spared from the injury bug. GM Freund has slowly been moving up the standings and gaining respect from the rest of the league. The recent news doesn’t look to good for the babes, as “King” Felix Hernandez has a bright red DTD’s next to his name. Although there has been no improvement in Felix’s calf, the King is adament that he will make his scheduled start. This is good news, but if newly arriced Dan Haren is going to matter, GM Freund needs King Felix to pitch and keep pitching as he has all year.

Shits of Jack Bradfield
The Shirts have recently realized that their luck would eventually run out. Matt Holliday, the shirts best returning player has been put on the 15DL. Holliday received bad news “The Rockies don't have a timetable for Holliday's (left hamstring) return, the Rocky Mountain News reports. He will not initially join the Rockies on their 10-game road trip that begins Monday. Holliday will miss at least 15 days, although nothing is known beyond that.” Another of Shirts good outfield has been held out of a few games recently, Rick Ankiel the pitcher turned hitter, has only 10 at-bats in the last 7 days. If those two players return healthy the Shirts will be the team to beat this summer.

Scuffie McGee
Scuffie has not had to deal with too many of his top players being hurt. Personal favorite/slash maybe a steal pitcher Pedro Martinez has not returned from his injury to have any impact on the future of GM Sigel’s team. Pedro went so far as to suggest that this might be his last year in the majors. If this is true then one of the great Pitchers of all time will be retiring. The only other news about Scuffie is that Vernon Wells, the big tease as he should be known, found himself on the DL after breaking his wrist making a sliding catch for a line drive. Having a solid start to his season, Wells’ production was replaced by the stellar play of Jacoby Ellsbury and Pat Burrell.

That is all for Dr. Cetrulo’s Injury report. See you before the playoffs with another injury report.

Jaques' Rotolab Report, 5/12/08

Dear League-

I have resurrected my analysis from last season and humbly present to you some Roto Calculator 2008. I have tried to answer the age old question: how lucky is X team? The below analysis cannot answer that question completely but I will subject you to the below and you can draw your own conclusions.

Method: I took everyone's stats through six weeks in every category and came up with league averages for each week. I then went binary, and assigned a team a '1' in any category where they were better than the league weekly average and a '0' in any category where the were at or below the league weekly average. I then summed the categories for each week and summed the weeks to get the below table. This led me to "implied standings" whereby the teams with the highest frequency of being above average in various categories should have higher win totals. The "rank" ranks the teams based on "implied wins". The standings are similar but there are some significant differences vs actuals. I then compared each team's "implied win %" vs their actual win %. I subtracted the two to come up with the difference. The teams with negative differences are said to be "unlucky" (on the basis that they were better than average in categories more than their actual record would indicate). Teams with positive differences were "lucky" (opposite).

Limitations: Obviously this analysis does not account for matchup management idiosyncrasies, but we have (I think) agreed that this factor has a 10% or less impact on a given matchup and do not categorically help or hurt certain teams, but only lower your confidence level (slightly) in the results. Also, let's remember that everyone must play good and bad teams and therefore you should expect to have two teams matched up that are above or below average in a lot of the same categories. That is the nature of Head-to-Head. Since not everyone has had a crack at everyone else yet, the Week 10 results may be more telling as scheduling asymmetries should be mitigated to a degree.

Results: The results are somewhat interesting. The #1 team in the league (Scuffie) is actually underperforming vs what his accumulated stats would imply. The third place team (Shirts) is also underperforming vs his actual record. Meanwhile Float It has had the worst matchup luck of everyone and the defending champion (Busey) is not far behind.
On the flip, the second place Crackers are far and away the "luckiest" team in the league. Surprisingly the beleaguered Steaks are actually overperforming what their statistical output would imply. Babes, Hot Ice and Fastballs are slightly overperforming and the Three R's is the goldilocks of the group.

Comments and controversy welcome.....


TOTAL Implied Win % Actual Win % Difference

Scuffie 5 5 3 5 3
4 3 5 4 5
42 70.0% 62.5% -7.5%
2 Shirts 3 3 4 4 4
6 4 5 4 3
40 66.7% 58.3% -8.4%
3 Float 2 3 4 4 2
4 3 6 3 4
35 58.3% 46.7% -11.6%
4 Busey 4 2 4 5 2
5 2 5 1 4
34 56.7% 48.3% -8.4%
5 Babes 1 4 2 0 4
4 4 5 3 1
28 46.7% 53.3% 6.6%
6 Crackers 3 3 4 5 5
0 0 3 3 2
28 46.7% 61.7% 15.0%
7 Hot Ice 2 2 5 1 1
3 4 0 4 4
26 43.3% 46.7% 3.4%
8 Fastballs 4 1 1 3 5
1 2 5 1 3
26 43.3% 49.2% 5.9%
9 Three R's 3 1 1 3 2
2 3 1 2 2
20 33.3% 34.2% 0.9%
10 Steaks 1 1 1 3 1
3 2 0 3 2
17 28.3% 39.2% 10.9%

Week 6


Rookie of the Year League, MM-Week 6 was full of heated action throughout, the matchup scores were as follows:

Jacks 6, Scuffie 4

Float 5, Fastballs 4

Babes 5, Steaks 4

Shirts 6, Busey 4

Ice 9, 3 Rs 1

Bong of Victory: Awarded to Ice, who combined a powerful 14 HR's with an astonishing 0.98 WHIP and 6 W's to win big.

Most Intriguing Matchup: Jacks beating Scuffie, 6-4. This was a clash of the two top seeds in the league, and the Jacks asserted themselves as being for real.

Biggest Upset: In terms of this season, there was not a huge upset this week; however, historically, Nicholas Freund's win over Iafe has to be considered an upset, as the Road Babes continue to roll through the league. After the matchup, Freund was unable to light the Bong of Victory, but settled for a joint instead.

Biggest Individual Producers:

Mike Lowell, Steaks: R 9 HR 3 RBI 9 AVG .406

Dan Uggla, Babes: R 8 HR 4 RBI 8 AVG .350

Carl Crawford, Jacks: R 4 HR 1 RBI 5 SB 4 AVG .304

Daisuke Matsuzaka, Shirts: 2 Ws, 8 K's, 2.25 ERA

Ervin Santana, Busey: 1 W, 16 K's, 0.95 WHIP

Ryan Dempster, Ice: 14 K's, 1.50 ERA, 0.92 WHIP

Surprise of the Week

Kevin Youkilis, Ice: R 8 HR 5 RBI 10 SB 1 AVG .375

Player of the Week

Lance Berkman, Busey R 10 HR 2 RBI 5 SB 2 AVG .682

From an individual standpoint, Week 6 saw some usual stars perform (Carl "ADP 10/11" Crawford and Lance "Toad" Berkman) and saw some lunch pail guys (Mike "Factory Town" Lowell, Ryan "Ex- Mediocre Closer" Dempster, and Kevin "Man of the People" Youkilis) really have big weeks and step it up for their teams.

Standings at Week's End:

Standings, Week 6



The Scuffie...



Cracker Jacks



Shirts of Ja...



Road Babes



Fastballs fo...



Gary Busey i...



Float It



The Hot Ice...



Salisbury St...



The Three R's


"Fearless" Predictions: League veterans and former Greek Hero section mates McNulty (7), Ice (8), and Iafe (9) find themselves getting to the point of the season where you start looking at the standings. It is my fearless prediction that all three of these teams will miss the playoffs.

In the top 6, I believe pre-season favorites Busey (6) will make the playoffs, along with Shirts (3). I think the biggest pretender is (sorry buddy) the Babes (4), although they've been proving me wrong recently. I don't think Fastballs (5) has a dominant team, but GM Hoffman is quickly building a rep for getting the most out of his squad. The question is, will it be enough to bring Scuffie (1) or Jacks (2) down from the top? I don't think so.

Fearless Playoff Prediction 1) Shirts 2) Jacks 3) Busey 4) Scuffie.

I'm hoping not to look like an idiot in September.


Week 7

Yet another week has passed in the Murphy Memorial League, and this week was one to remember. We saw records broken, a standings shake-up, and continued futility from the bottom-dwellers amidst further political discussion of the race for the presidency. Let's jump right in.


Busey def. Fastballs, 10-0-0

In this ball-buster, Busey made the Fastballs his asian concubine and grabbed the coveted Bong of Victory. It was only the second shut-out of the year, but it wasn't even close. Leading the way for Busey was Lance Berkman and Ryan Braun, combining for a ridiculous 16R 10HR 18RBI 2SB .411AVG line that would have single handedly taken 3 out of 5 categories from Three R's, and 2 from Scuffie, Fastballs, and Steaks. Holy fucking tits. We managed to grab Lance Tuesday night to ask him about his performance to date.

MURPHY: So, Lance, you are KILLING the ball this season. To what do you attribute your success?

LANCE: Well, Murph, to be honest, it's my bat. I started the season using maple, but it just didn't have that same feel for me anymore. So, during our road trip to St. Louis in late April, I had a terrible 0 for 3 game to start the series. That night, I hate-fucked like ten beat Missourian chicks in quick succession, and I had a revelation. If my cock can handle 250-pound babes, why couldn't it slam a light baseball? The next day, I tried it out. I walked up to the plate, pulled out my junk, and WHAM! WHAM! Two homers. I haven't looked back since.

MURPHY: Wait, you're telling me that you use your penis instead of a bat?


MURPHY: As in, literally, you swing your genitalia into the baseball?

LANCE: I'm hitting full-blown dong dingers.

MURPHY: "Dick-stick?"

LANCE: Dick-stick.


It appears that Busey is on a roll, and with Steaks up this week, he could soon claim the league's top spot. Fastballs, meanwhile, are still reeling from the loss. They reside in 9th place.


Babes tie Shirts, 5-5

If Berkman has been the player of the year, Alfonso Soriano was the player of the week. He hit an ungodly 7 home runs, and did that to the tune of a .516 average. AIDS? What AIDS? Soriano fueled the Babes to their record-breaking offensive performance. Although the official record books were stolen in the infamous Heist of '07, the Babes' 24 homers and 76 RBI's almost certainly set new bars. Are the Babes for real? Our commissioner thinks not, but with each passing remark the Babes lay down new tracks and continue their ascent to the top. I personally think they are due for some regression to the mean, but to date, the Babes seem set on proving their doubters wrong.

Almost equally impressive was the Shirts' pitching, as he set personal marks for the season of 74K's and 9 saves. Recent injuries to Clay Buchholz and Jason Isringhausen threaten to derail a great campaign, but I doubt that is enough to spoil the fun. The Shirts maintained their 3 game lead over the Babes, and remain in striking distance of first.


Scuffie ties Float It, 5-5

A lackluster weekend capped this promising matchup between one of the league's best versus a team on the rise. Despite a handful of wins, both teams pitchers shat the proverbial bed combining for a 5.69 ERA on the weekend. And despite that ERA, Scuffie's creepy old dude mascot shat his literal diaper, just cuz he likes the feeling and loooves his monthly sponge baths. Nevertheless, Float It matched Scuffie blow for blow and finished the week with a tie. Is Scuffie a legitimate contender? Or is he still riding his 10-0 defeat of the pathetic Steaks in week 2? I think its a little bit of both, but the Steaks really do suck balls.


Cracker Jacks def. Hot Ice, 6-4

This just in: the Cracker Jacks are for real. This week, his paltry K's were misleading, as he needed only four starters to compile 4 wins. Add that to his 4 saves and 0.99 WHIP, and managerial savvy locked up the week for him. Hot Ice put up a great week as well, with a valiant Sunday surge which grabbed RBI's and provided some hope. However, without solid closers or a real second baseman, he was outmatched. Ty Wiggington and Tadahito Iguchi do not a championship team make, and until Hot Ice sees greener pastures, he will be a struggling middle-of-the-pack team, lucky to make the playoffs.

Meanwhile, the Cracker Jacks appear to be shoe-ins to the post season. Full speed ahead, good sir.


Steaks def. R's, 6-3-1

Holy tits, these teams suck. What a load of garbage. Despite a 6-3-1 victory, the only other team in the entire league that the Steaks would have beaten was the Fastballs, who got skunked 10-0. However, this victory doesn't give the Steaks any false hope, as they know their season is in shambles. Although the thought of getting A-Rod back may have lifted spirits, as of press time, the Steaks have already endured yet another major loss: Chris Young suffered a broken nose after being hit in the face by a line drive in yesterday's contest against the Cardinals. For those of you keeping track, the Steaks have now lost their top three pitchers (Smoltz, Gallardo, and Young) as well as some of their best hitters (A-Rod, Tulowitzky, Sheffield, etc) for extended periods of time. How the Steaks aren't mired in last place is a testament to the superior quality of their GM, however this season will almost surely be one of building for next year.

The Three R's, meanwhile, continue their practice of mediocrity. The GM's employment of a bare bones pitching staff so that there is no need to rotate pitchers does nothing but hurt the team. Furthermore, the team's ace, Peavy, has hit the DL and revealed that the injury has been affecting his performance for a while. The R's remain in last place by a huge margin.

That about wraps it up for This Week in Murphy Memorial. This week is a gambler's dream, w/ pretty much exclusively the good teams versus the long shots, as the Shirts, Cracker Jacks, and Busey look to pad their leads at the expense of the cellar dwellers. If the Steak, R's, and Fastballs have any desire to compete this season, they better turn it up now, or else the leads will become insurmountable. My money is on more of the same, however a surprise or two isn't out of the question. The only matchups worth watching are Float It versus Hot Ice and Scuffie versus the Babes, as we'll get to see if Hot Ice can keep fighting, and more importantly, if the Babes can keep up their amazing hot streak. Reporting for Murphy Memorial, I'm out. Good luck everyone.

-Operation Chowder Storm

Week 5 Summary

Hot Ice reporting in. Let's get right to the matchups:


The Babes continued their march up the standings, moving to 3 games over .500 with a victory over the beleaguered Hot Ice squad. The relatively tight score was indicative of the closeness of the race -- going into Sunday, 5 categories were still in play and it was only some last minute production from Hot Ice that saved this from being a 7-3 or 8-2 matchup.

THE GOOD -- The Babes continued to smash the cover off the ball, moving into a tie with Scuffie McGee for the league lead in homers with 66. Two weeks after putting up a monster 18 homer week, including a brutal day against Float It, the Babes look poised to challenge the single-week home run record at some point this season and are truly living up to their name.

THE BAD -- Hot Ice again received no contribution from his closing "staff," which now consists of only a beleaguered Todd Jones after losing 3 closers to injuries this year. His single save tied for lowest in the league, and he now has a staggeringly low 8 saves on the year (compared to a league leader with 4x as many).

THE UGLY -- Hot Ice again lost, and moved to 12 games under .500 on the year and tied for last place. This continues a 5 week losing streak, matching (I believe) the longest futility streak to begin a season ever.


Another 6-4 matchup that gave way to the same results seen before -- the rich get richer, while the beleaguered get more beleaguered-er. Salisbury suffered another loss, dropping to last in the league along with the man he once faced in the league championship, Hot Ice. Salisbury had a good Sunday, but it wasn't quite enough to get the all-important 'W' in his column.

THE GOOD -- SoJB continued to put up great numbers across the board, showing a balance that remains key to teams with championship aspirations. His 63 Ks were a league high, he posted a sub 2.75 ERA and sub 1.10 WHIP, along with the 2nd most RBIs and 2nd best AVG in the league.

THE BAD -- Salisbury continued to struggle and now is near the bottom of the league in many categories. He ranks 9th in runs, 8th in homers, 9th in RBIs, 8th in steals, and last in average. Pitching isn't much better, as Salisbury brings up the rear in Wins and Saves.

THE UGLY -- As if Salisbury's troubles weren't grave enough, #1 pick Alex Rodriguez hit the DL this week, with some speculation that he could be out until after the All-Star break. It will truly take a Herculean effort for the Steaks to recover.


In what was otherwise a week where the favorites won and underdogs were punished, Gary Busey fell back to .500 with an unfortunate loss to the Three R's, who jumped out of the cellar and actually ROSE to 11 games under .500. However, Both these teams will need to pick up the pace in the coming weeks as the competition only gets stiffer.

THE GOOD -- The Three R's put together an extremely solid pitching week across the board, led by a league-high 7 wins and 2.25 ERA. They also clobbered 14 homers, good for second best in the league. This was especially impressive given that The Three R's rank towards the bottom of the league in most pitching categories.

THE BAD -- Not actually much bad to report, as Busey put up a pretty average week across the board and ran into a hot team. If there's one area to improve, it's AVG, where Busey ranks 9th in the league, in front of only (you guessed it) the much-maligned Salisbury Steaks.

THE UGLY -- Busey's terrible team name continues to drag on his record. Despite ranking in the top half of the league in 7 categories, Busey is only a .500 team. Some estimate that his name may have cost him at least 4 games in the standings.


In what, as previously mentioned, was a bad week for betting on the underdogs (see: Kentucky Derby), League Leader at 17 games over .500 Scuffie demolished Fastballs by the biggest margin of the week. The F'Balls fell back to .500 to become tied for 5th with Gary Busey, continuing a trend established this season where single managers are absolutely dominating those with engagements or live-in girlfriends, increasing the liklihood that half of us will be divorced several times by 2020 in an attempt to capture fantasy glory.

THE GOOD -- Everything was once again firing on full cylinders for Scuffie, who posted solid (if unspectacular) offensive numbers across the board (led by a league-high 11 steals) and a great pitching week, with 51 Ks, 6 saves, and awesome ERA (2.29, 2nd place) and WHIP (0.98, 1st). Voted the "league ninja" not too long ago, Scuffie continues to assassinate his opponents viciously, gaining much infamy in the process.

THE BAD -- The Fastballs were done in by poor pitching, as Scuffie completed the unbeaten week across the throwing categories. They were also 9th in the league in home runs. But the Fastballs have reason to be optimistic, as they still rank basically at league-average in most categories. More than anything else, this result came about because of Scuffie's dominance.

THE UGLY -- After his standout rookie effort to capture the hallowed Murphy Memorial trophy was stopped last year by GM Cetrulo, the Fastballs have been suffering from a bit of a sophomore slump. Although we at Murphy Memorial don't believe in curses, this is something to bear watching as the season continues.


In our final matchup we saw veteran South African Commissioner McNulty battle to a standstill with the ever tenacious (and league genius) Sands. Although this matchup ended in a tie with both fighters bruised and battered, it was a contest of extremes. The Jacks put up league highs in runs and RBIs and swept (with a tie in steals) the offensive categories, while Float It put up solid pitching numbers that easily trumped the Jacks' extremely mediocre pitching week. End result? A sweep of offense for the Jacks, a sweep of pitching for Float it, and a tie.

THE GOOD -- As mentioned above, both teams dominated their respective areas this week. This was a bit of a surprise for Float It, who is good but not exceptional in pitching, but positively matter-of-the-fact for Cracker Jacks, who are absolutely unearthly in their offensive performance this year. In fact, some of these could be record breaking paces...through 5 weeks, the Jacks LEAD THE LEAGUE in 4 of the 5 offensive categories -- Runs, RBIs, steals, and Average.

THE BAD -- Were we just talking about the Jacks offensive dominance? His pitching deficiencies are just as glaring; he is 9th or 10th in 4 of the 5 pitching categories. While it is a time-accepted strategy to punt saves or steals, generally teams don't win championships by punting pitching. The poll question of this week was whether the Jacks are legit -- the better question should be whether an unloading of some of the offensive firepower for pitching help could add legitimacy.

THE UGLY -- In such a good matchup, there isn't too much ugliness to talk about. The ugliest thing in this matchup? That the Jacks continue to produce with clubhouse cancer Carl Crawford in their lineup. Something has got to give.

Well, league, that's another week in Murphy Memorial. Stay tuned next week as we look to answer a multitude of lingering questions. Will love conquer all and bring the married man out of the cellar? Are the Jacks legit? Will Freund continue to enjoy a bong each week, whether the Bong of Victory or one of his own making? All this and more, next week, in the Murphy Memorial League.

-Hot Ice