MM Week 2 (April 7th-13th)

The recent meltdown on Wall Street has given rise to a cottage industry of finger pointing. Everyone from government bond traders based in London to Kansas City corn vendors has a theory on what caused the bubble to burst. It was irresponsible lending. It was 100-buck oil. It was the weak dollar. It was John Ames.

But at no time during this blame game have any of the self-proclaimed pundits had the courage to address the true elephant in the room -- Murphy. Sometimes it feels like there's only one place left in the world where you can still find men who tremble at the mention of His name and who fear the cold, crippling destructiveness of His power...

Week 2 Power Rankings

Blue Chips

The Shirts of Jack Bradfield
What's in a name? I voted for Andrew (as I do in every poll regardless of the topic), but the man that the league deemed to have the prettiest name also sits atop the standings this week. The Shirts of JB might be getting more production than expected from a few of their hitters (Is it me or is Carlos Pena in the running for 'Comeback Player of the Year' every other year?), but his ERA is best in the league and no starter, save Phillip Hugesuck, is over 3.3.

The Scuffie McGee
By drafting Pedro and Harden, Scuffie GM James Sigel promised himself two strong DL spots, but the rest of the team has picked it up in their inevitable absence; Dan Haren and Ben Sheets are studs.

Sell! Sell! Sell!

Cracker Jacks
Chone Figgins is hitting .404.

Frothy with Some Upside

Float It
Always a day trader, Float It GM Kellan McNulty has already made 18 acquisitions and a trade in this still-young season. Pitching has been shaky, but Float It's young guns look poised to make a run at the crown, and I'm not even talking about the 2011 season.

Gary Busey Is Chet Steadman
Busey=Steadman entered the season a heavy favorite, but has faltered in the first two weeks. Prince Fielder has zero homers--someone get that man a hamburger.

Too Soon To Tell

The Hot Ice Conservators
The man doesn't pay for saves, which explains why he doesn't have very many, but the more troubling concern has come from Miguel Cabrera and Jimmy Rollins, both hampered with nagging injuries early on.

The Road Babes
During the draft, no one was quite sure why Nick was yelling on Skype, but maybe had something to do with anxiety. The team with the highest ERA and WHIP also has the most underperforming star (Ortiz).

Junk Bonds

Fastballs for Breakfast
Last season's ROY has come out a bit flat, but if Cano's homer tonight is any indication, this squad could turn it all around in a hurry.

The Three R's
"How could I go wrong with all these Tigers? I might pick up Jim Leland just because it would look cool to have him in a bench spot!" I've never been very good at fantasy for whatever reason.

Salisbury Steaks

Here's a chowder bomb: the two league leaders are thriving bachelors, while two of the three cellar dwellers are engaged. Discuss amongst your wives...

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